Why Bhangarh Fort is Haunted ?

1 year ago

The Bhangarh Fort is located on the border of the Sariska Reserve in the Aravali range of hills in Alwar district[5] of Rajasthan.[6] The nearest village is Gola ka Baas.[7]The fort is situated at the foot of the hills on sloping terrain

According to legend, a sadhu lived within the fort area, and according to his injunction, any house built in the precinct of the fort should not be taller than his own, and if the shadow of any such house fell on his house, it would result in destruction of the fort town. When columns were added to the fort that cast a shadow on the sadhu's house, the result was destruction of the fort and surrounding towns. According to another tale, a priest who was a practitioner of black magic fell in love with a beautiful Bhangarh princess with many suitors. One day, the priest followed the princess to the marketplace and offered her a love potion. However, she refused it, throwing it onto a large rock that consequently rolled onto the priest and crushed him to death. Before he died, the priest cursed the entire village, condemning it to destruction and desolation

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