Harvard's Taylor Swift Class Goes How You'd Think…And Being Taught By The Type Of Person You'd Think

7 months ago

The 'Haters Gonna Hate' but apparently the ones who love Taylor Swift are taking whole classes on the topic of her. Yes, this is really a class at Harvard. The Taylor Swift class being taught at Harvard goes about how you’d think it would and is being taught by the type of person you’d think it would. Seriously, people paid for this? America really deserves to be conquered. This video highlights why education is the civil rights issue of the century, and why college is such a scam.

Obviously, Doctors and Lawyers have to go to college. Perhaps, if it isn't the requirement of a job, just skip it if this is what it's all about these days. A Taylor Swift class in Harvard taught by a "trans" teacher. The dumbing down of America continues. It really is so inane. They better not come whining about their student loans. Yes. The cherry on top is the professor of the course is a man who dresses like a girlie Taylor Swift fan. Sigh. Harvard has a Taylor Swift course taught by a man who cosplays as a woman. This is also the institution that put together a panel of experts (at the beginning of C19) talking about the dangers of homeschooling.

• More at: Twitchy - Harvard Students With a "Blank Space' in Their Schedule Can Take an 'Enchanted' Course in Taylor Swift

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