The WTO can no longer address challenges or dealing with the CCP's unfair trade practices

7 months ago

2/7/2024【WTO Hearing】Ms. Kelly Ann Shaw, former Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economics: As of today, the WTO is no longer capable of addressing new challenges or dealing with China's unfair trade practices. The WTO's negotiating function, its primary and key function, is effectively paralyzed.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #WTO
2/7/2024【WTO听证会】前总统国际经济事务副助理凯莉·安·肖女士: 时到今日,世贸组织已不再有能力应对新的挑战和处理中共国的不公平贸易行为。世贸组织的谈判职能,即其首要和关键职能,实际上已经瘫痪。
#中共 #消灭中共 #世贸组织

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