Murphy Law Trading Company LIVE stream Star Citizen Xenothreat Port Olisar Bunker Flying

1 year ago

00:00 leaving Orison
10:00 Jericho
11:11 XenoThreat
49:00 go to SPK
51:40 WTF ??
52:40 prison
2:04:10 leaving prison
2:29:35 XenoThreat II
2:52:52 XenoThreat III
2:58:10 Hello Karen !!!
2:58:30 XenoThreat Idris
3:02:50 ...missile incoming !!!
3:14:15 XenoThreat IV
3:18:55 ... oh we love you ....30K
4:01:05 XenoThreat V clearing site crash
4:15:20 30K
4:35:32 XenoThreat VI
5:18:20 Clearing CS on MT ??

Become a Star Citizen and get 5,000 aUAC free Credits Bonus here I'll send 50,000 aUEC to everyone who uses my referral code and purchases a #StarCitizen game package!
Because Rumble has stopped auto-syncing with Youtube, that's why my videos are not updated and I have to manually upload them all, about 50 vids, , thanks everyone for your patience BazyG

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