#86 - Ephesians, Part 11, "For This Cause - Part 1"

11 months ago

All throughout the history of the church, every revival has resulted from the Holy Spirit blasting through existing orthodoxy and disrupting the standards and norms that were in control.
We are in this sort of paradigm shift now. 
The Holy Spirit is not looking to occupy a physical building.  He is wanting to live in the hearts of men.  God wants to live inside redeemed vessels.  Immanuel in the heart of every soul.  That’s the fullness of the gospel. 
Currently there‘s a lack of experiential Christianity.  We need to encounter the presence of God in a powerful way where we don’t remain the same.  We are the tabernacle of God only when He transfigures us through a divine encounter with Him.  Where faith comes alive, the Word begins to change you, and your mind is renewed. It’s called repentance. 
We must take care to build according to the New Testament pattern.  The building blocks of the New Testament are ransomed vessels who have received Christ in such a divine encounter they are transformed, and the Word of God continues to transfigure them throughout their life, so they are conformed to the image of Christ in all of His fullness.  And then we are joined together relationally, one to another, and build a community of faith and friendship that the world looks at and knows we are His disciples.

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