2019-08-25 Hailey's 3rd Birthday party

1 year ago

Party at Tony's. Emily with Hailey. Hailey with Will at table playing with balloons. Singing and blowing candle. Playing with Emily and Kristen, Marley, & Chloe. Hailey In chair with Ellie. Hailey playing with doll in the chair.
Not sure why the quality of this video is not good. Sorry. And when my granddaughter was here, no one else was a priority in the video. But like many of the other videos you can hear things that are interesting though not seeing those talking.
Hailey was staying with Tony while her Mom and Dad were stationed overseas for 14 months.
Attending Margie, Jack, Will, Emily, Kristin Marley, Eileen and family, David, Jam Chloe, Ellie, Cathy and Frank F's family.

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