Senator Hawley: If McKinsey really values ethics, they shouldn't be working with the CCP!

11 months ago

2/6/2024【Sen. Hawley grills McKinsey & Company 】Senator Hawley: If McKinsey really values ethics, they shouldn't be working with the CCP or any business the CCP owns or has shares in! What's even more outrageous is that not only is McKinsey making gobs of money off of our adversaries, but they are also raking in nearly a billion dollars a year from the U.S. government, including the Department of Defense.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP
2/6/2024【霍利议员拷问麦肯锡咨询公司】霍利议员: 如果你们真的重视道德,就不应该与中共和任何他们拥有或参股的企业合作;更令人愤概的是,你们不仅从我们的敌人那里大赚一笔,还从美国政府(包括国防部)那里一年捞近10亿美元
#中共 #消灭中共

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