Questions about Sharia for Candidates

10 months ago

Muslims are increasingly running for political office. We have the perfect forum for asking well crafted questions about Sharia.

They may say that Sharia is just a religious concept or that there are parts of Sharia they don't practice. However, only part of Sharia is about how to practice Islam. But it is not enough to reject a particular part of Sharia. All of Sharia is based on the Koran and the Sunna of Mohammed. If you reject Sharia you must also reject the underlying Koran and Sunna. We must ask for the person to condemn and abjure the Koran and Sunna that support the rejected Sharia.

Take wife beating as an example. Wife beating is part of the Koran (4:34) and the Sunna. We must ask a Muslim not only to reject wife beating, but to condemn and abjure the Koran and Sunna that support the Sharia doctrine. In short, the Koran and the Sunna about wife beating is wrong.

The election season is upon us. We must use the race as a golden opportunity to educate the voting public about Sharia and how to reject it.

Questions about Sharia for candidates:
All Muslims who run for elective office should be asked questions about Sharia. It's not enough to reject Sharia, we want it condemned and the foundation on which it rests, Allah and Mohammed.

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