Rep. Gaetz and Scaffold Commander: Why Isn't GOP Asking FBI's Wray Why He Isn't on Most Wanted List?

1 year ago

Rep. Gaetz knows the importance of the role unidentified "Scaffold Commander" (SC) played on J6, yet the RINO GOP has still not hauled in FBI Director Wray and asked why SC still not even on the FBI Most Wanted list as of 2024. At the same time, the FBI is still hunting down and prosecuting Americans who did nothing on that day except appear on restricted grounds outside the Capitol, which Scaffold Commander and other suspected FBI assets helped by removing fencing and signage.

From his perch on high in the "media tower" Scaffold Commander yelled for over an hour through what looks like a government-issue bullhorn: “keep moving forward!” “we need help!”  Some of the crowd was enraged because police had been launching stun grenades unprovoked. When the first rioter entered the Capitol Scaffold Commander yelled:

“Okay we’re in! We’re in! Come on! We gotta fill up the Capitol! Come on! Come now! We need help we gotta fill up the Capitol! They got in.!

Scaffold Commander played a bigger role than Ray Epps, yet he has never been acknowledged by FBI Director Wray, and is not on the Most Wanted list unlike many peaceful protesters who were likely unwittingly trespassing.


Revolver News: "Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web of Unindicted Operators at the Heart of January 6"

Full interview with Revolver News' Darren Beattie:

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