Detective Charged W Aggravated Assault, Deadly Weapon: Michael Borrecco, Bernalillo County Sheriff

1 year ago

Michael Borrecco is a Criminal Investigations Unit Detective, with the Bernalillo County, New Mexico Sheriff's Department.

On the night of 1/24/24, Borrecco allegedly pointed a gun at two men and, according to yelled, “Get the fuck outta here, or I’m going to take your fucking soul.”, while intoxicated into the P.A. of the taxpayers' unmarked Sheriff's unit.

Even though, the attendant and manager of the circle K, where the incident allegedly happened, finger Borrecco as the suspect, even though The Albuquerque police, the responding agency, note they could smell alcohol on his breath and find 19 alcohol bottles in his unit, conveniently placed near a 9mm, he is NOT arrested.

Let that sink in. Borrecco was allowed to turn himself in 2 days later, 1/26/24. This is probably why he wasnt charged with a D.U.I. There was no blood alcohol concentration evidence.

Yes, there were different agencies involved. The local Albuquerque police showed up to the circle K and Borrecco is a detective with the Bernalillo County Sheriff. This, should not matter. The law is the law and it should apply to everyone, including cops. But we know it doesnt.

Are police above the law? Do they get preferential treatment?
Why was he not arrested?

It was clear that he was driving. It was clear he had been drinking, and it was clear he threatened 2 guys with a gun. There's even surveillance footage of it.

Is this professional courtesy amongst different agencies? Is this typical behaviour for cops? Do they not charge members of THEIR own law enforcement gang with offenses that ruin lives? Or do they strive to only ruin the lives of non law enforcement?

What would happen to you if you allegedly drove drunk in a company vehicle and pointed a gun at 2 people?

You certainly wouldn't walk away. You certainly wouldn't be allowed to sleep it off so there's no evidence of alcohol in your system at the time of driving.

Borrecco was ALLOWED to turn himself in 2 days after the incident, effectively eliminating all alcohol evidence and, thus, guaranteeing NO DUI charges. (There's a surveillance video floating around somewhere.)

Borrecco now faces 2 counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and negligent use of a weapon (alcohol). You can look the case up: Fill out catpcha and type in Borrecco Michael.

The local D.A., Joshua Hyasniec, filed a motion to keep Borrecco locked up until trial but Judge Joseph Montano ruled that this cop, with a military background, who just allegedly pointed a gun at 2 people while driving drunk in a cop car is NOT a danger to the public. Effectively, releasing a threat to the public. What could go wrong?

There is no trial date set that we could find. Meanwhile, This man, who looks like a maniac, and allegedly acted like one, is allowed to roam freely. PRO TIP: If you're arrested for any violent crime, try NOT to look like a maniac gang member in your mug shot.

As we have said before, until the public audits law enforcement agencies, until the public is party to the secret meetings held by these agencies, until the public can view personnel records, until the public acquires the power to hold law enforcement accountable, cops will remain out of control.

Are law enforcement agents domestic terrorists that are allowed to operate in secrecy? When was the last time you were allowed inside a police station to look around? What would happen to you if you took a camera into the lobby of a police station? What happened to the 1st amendment?

When was the last time you were invited, as a taxpayer, to audit the equipment and training of law enforcement in your area? Why does this seem so strange? Why cant we, as taxpayers, audit the people and systems put in place to allegedly protect and serve us, the community? Is it because we would be appalled at what we would find? Is it because we would quickly realize that these agencies are meant to feed off the very commmunities that pay their wages? They are meant to generate revenue, not uphold justice.

The truth will set you free. Police are NOT above the law.
Justice must prevail.

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