The CDC Is Big Mad At Their Own Scientists For Proving Masks (Even N95) Don't Work

1 year ago

The CDC is very mad at the CDC for finding out N95 masks are as useless as surgical masks. Also, the CDC is planning on punishing its own scientists for discovering what a whole lot of people already knew. The CDC is now warning CDC scientists that their finding on masks “is not scientifically correct” because they found N95 respirators aren't better than surgical masks. This is how agency retaliation against scientists begins. CDC Director Mandy Cohen is all in on masks. During congressional testimony last November, she would not explain whether she would bring back mask mandates for toddlers. -- So, the masks don't work but she likes them, so there. Six days later, a BMJ journal published a study that found “mask recommendations for children are not supported by scientific evidence.” -- Honestly, if adults want to wear useless face coverings, have at it. It's when they force the junk science on kids, it becomes really objectionable.

CDC is also promoting N95 respirators at better than surgical masks at stopping respiratory viruses. Guess what, there's no evidence for this. See this JAMA study from 2019. A CDC scientists reported last summer on a meta-analysis the agency did asking the same question: N95s better than surgical masks? Guess what? No difference. One would think warning scientists to find a specific result 'or else' would be a bit problematic. The CDC commissioned scientists to see if N95s work better than surgical masks for healthcare workers. They reviewed the high-quality evidence and came back with a surprising answer: no. Ignoring the evidence & because they did not like the answer, the CDC told the scientists they were wrong. The CDC should change its moniker to the Center for Pseudo-Science. This is so wild to me. It's like a scientific Mafia… "Sure would be unfortunate if something bad happened to your reputation…"

Video: CDC Director Mandy Cohen refuses to answer questions about whether she would mandate child masks.
• More at: Twitchy - The CDC Is BIG Mad at Their Own Scientists for Proving Masks (Even N95) Don't Work
DisInformation Chronicle: CDC Warns CDC’s Own Scientists That Their Finding on Masks “Is Not Scientifically Correct”

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