Yes, for now, we'll go on living, SEPARATE lives... | Hn 05

1 year ago

Adam and the Porcupine look at the current worldwide separatist trends and discuss the relationship to sovereigntist philosophical theory.

00:00 – Intro
01:20 – Alberta, Canada nullifies national energy edicts.
3:25 – Video of Alberta's Premiere, Danielle Smith, announcing the nullification.
6:20 – Who was that giant? Plus, nullification/secession analysis.
13:37 – Why did "we" centralize in the first place? And who rules? Who is sovereign?
17:13 – The Porcupine wonders if we need(ed) tech to have freedom?
21:10 – Adam responds: The tension between freedom and tyranny is eternal.
23:30 – Maybe there's a proper "size" of political units? Adam advocates individual sovereignty.
28:15 – How philosophy can support these popular secessionist/nullification movements.
30:12 – A unique discussion of the size/scope of government.
35:13 -- We've come a long way, baby!

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