1 year ago

Hi there Rumble(rs), today's video is the first in a new series I'm calling "Quick Hits". In this series, I'll covering anything from...grooves to fills to patterns to drumming ideas, or concepts, or even drum history/news. (Maybe that'll change or expand down the road, but for now I'll keep all those topics in this series haha) 😜

I thought I'd start with one of my all-time favorite drummers, John Bonham. This video covers a more obscure, but very fun snare drum pattern Bonzo plays during the bridge of Led Zeppelin's "Fool in the Rain".

If you haven't heard "Fool in the Rain" by Led Zeppelin...GO CHECK IT OUT! It's off their 1979 album titled, "In Through the Out Door".

I hope this video is helpful (and FUN). 🥳 Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions, and/or what you think. There’s more to come in this Quick Hits Series, so stay tuned…

Thanks for watching this clip! I’m so very grateful for your support! 🙏🏼

For more from The Drum Shed 👇🏼

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🟢 Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-4378230

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