11 months ago

Hi there Rumble(rs), so I'm popping on here with a (hopefully) brief BONUS episode in our Beginner Series!

Today's video was inspired by a great question I received in the comment section on an earlier video in this series. I am planning on doing a full video with my drum kit at a later date. This video is an impromptu reply, so don't worry...eventually you'll get a video where I show you (with my kit) how I set-up my drums.

🚨***I am by no means a medical professional. This video is just describing what worked for me in my journey playing drums. If you have physical pain of any kind while playing the drums, sitting at the drumset or practice pad, you should seek help from a medical professional/doctor.***🚨

I hope this video is helpful. Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions, and/or what you think. There’s more in this Beginners Series coming, so stay tuned…

Thanks for watching this clip! I’m so very grateful for your support! 🙏🏼

For more from The Drum Shed 👇🏼

🔴 Locals: https://thedrumshed.locals.com

🎥 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Nicholas_TheDrumShed

📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/njsansone/

🟢 Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-4378230

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