1 year ago

Hi there Rumble(rs), WE’RE BACK with video number FIVE in our Beginner Series! I’m really glad to be back with you all…especially you beginners, because this video is for YOU!

In today’s video, I’ll be giving a brief description of the metronome, and a few simple examples of how to use it. Specifically, I connect using the metronome with the previous three hand patterns (or, “stickings”) we learned in videos 1-3.

These are just a few ways of using a metronome! And, my hope is that this will get you started in a relaxed but efficient way.

(FOR YOUR BRAND NEW DRUMMERS OUT THERE) - If you haven’t watched the first three videos in this Beginner Series, I would highly recommend you go back to check those out before jumping into this one.

I hope this video is helpful. Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions, and/or what you think. There’s more in this Beginners Series coming, so stay tuned…

Thanks for watching this clip! I’m so very grateful for your support! 🙏🏼

For more from The Drum Shed 👇🏼

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🟢 Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-4378230

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