Education Days for our INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Nurses to Continue Delivering a High Quality Service!

11 months ago

Education Days for our INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Nurses to Continue Delivering a High Quality Service!

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In this week’s blog I want to talk about how we maintain quality, keep our staff up to date with training and education and therefore how we safely manage to keep our clients out of Intensive Care or get them out of Intensive Care in the first place.

Education days at INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME for our nursing staff to keep delivering a high quality service!

Part of working with a specialised INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME nursing service is to maintaining quality and safety aspects, so that our clients can go home from ICU/PICU or stay out of ICU/PICU if they are at home already, so they can be safely looked after at home!

Besides being the first and as of June 2019 the only 3rd party accredited service in Australia that has accreditation and certification to provide Intensive Home Care nursing for ventilated Patients at home, we take safety for our clients and their families very seriously!

Besides having a minimum of two years ICU/PICU experience, all of our staff go through annual training such as an ALS (Advanced life support) or BLS (Basic life support) courses!

These are our minimum qualifications that staff need to have, however the reality is that we currently employ over 200 years ICU/PICU experience, therefore making us and our specialist skills the leading service in Australia when it comes to long-term ventilation with tracheostomy at home.

Some of the training we are providing is in-house or we engage external providers to facilitate such training and maintain and improve the skills of our critical care registered nurses.

Such training days are also a good opportunity for our staff to get to know each other. The reality of running a remote intensive care at home service is also that staff only see each other at handover time. Sometimes staff haven’t met each other at all because they work with different clients!

Therefore the training days are fantastic opportunities to get to know other team members!

Last month we had such training days for our nurses and we engaged Karena Hull a very experienced Intensive Care nurse to run the accredited course.

Karena is running her own training organisation “resus ready” and we had the pleasure of Karena providing advanced resuscitation training with our very talented and skilled critical care nurses from Intensive CARE AT HOME.

We also invited some of our clients to one of the training days so they could feel more comfortable and reassured when they are at home with their loved ones and our nurses to respond appropriately in case their family member has a medical emergency...

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