Should You Use The Same Solar Company Your Friend/Mom Got

1 year ago

Often times people tell me that you want to sign up with the same company that signed their friend up because their friend was happy. Just because your friend was happy signing up with that company doesn’t mean you will be. Remember when you call a solar company they’re gonna send out a random sales person. That doesn’t mean it’s gonna be the same sales person that signed up your friend.

The reason why your friend was happy is because the sales person set them up properly on the right terms.

People who are unhappy with Solar we’re often set up by their sales rep unproperly on the wrong terms.

What determines whether or not you’re happy with your solar job really depends on the sales rep who is in your home.

The solar company is just processing the sale and the solar installer is just installing it.

It’s the sales rep who’s setting up your system size and analyzing your consumption data. Not the solar company.

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