Hillary Clinton's Still Pushing The 'Russia Collusion' BS To Slam Trump (And Tucker Carlson)

11 months ago

Hillary Clinton continues to be absolutely shameless. I know that doesn't come as a surprise to anybody, but what's even more amazing is how she's allowed to get away with it time and time again. One of the most glaring examples is how Clinton has in the past aimed at the "election deniers" who are a "threat to democracy" while by her own definition being an "election denier": https://www.youtube.com/embed/hUqxX0YAafg?si=z7nJiJ5Yl9B9Z2u6 -- THREAT TO DEMOCRACY! But, as usual, it's totally acceptable when the Democrats do it: 24 minutes of Democrats denying election results. https://twitter.com/i/status/1626658911322312705 -- Another thing Clinton refuses to let go of is the "Russia collusion" BS even though her campaign paid an FEC fine for pushing the Steele Dossier. She's still at it: Crooked Hillary Clinton is *still* peddling the Russia collusion hoax: "Why did Trump believe Putin more than our 11 intelligence agencies? I think I do have a working theory!"

I have a working theory too: Hillary's a crazed and bitter woman. The whole "Trump's in the pocket of Russia" thing continues to be laughable, especially coming from Queen Reset Button: https://media.townhall.com/cdn/hodl/2016/220/cc3f15ea-5ee7-4aa4-9e9b-3757f34387fd.jpg -- Remember when Clinton's former boss Barack Obama assured Medvedev he'd have "more flexibility" after his reelection as U.S president? As usual, if you want to know what people like Hillary Clinton are up to, just listen to what they're accusing Republicans of. In closing, just because it's fun, everybody point and laugh: Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton: “Happy birthday to this future president.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CvsiCdkWIAA-N2b?format=jpg&name=small -- That'll never stop being funny, and in a show of bipartisanship I'd like to thank Ms. Clinton for not deleting that.

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