Using Islam to Vet Muslims

11 months ago

To vet Muslims don't talk about Islam; instead, talk about the fruit of Islam. Here is an example: wife beating. No apologist can support wife beating, but wife beating is found in the Koran and the Hadith.

Koran 4:34 Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other, and ... send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them.

Dawood #2142 Umar reported the prophet as saying: "A man will not be asked as to why he beats his wife".

I object to any wife-beating doctrine. I don't want immigrants/Muslims who believe in wife beating to be my neighbor.

The Islamic doctrine supports slavery, torture, Kafirs must submit to Sharia, wife beating, inferiority of women, political assassin. I reject Sharia, wife beating, torture, and killing of Kafirs. Notice that I do not say I reject Muslims.

So ask an apologist: Do you support wife beating? Assassination? Killing apostates?

You say you don't know enough to quote the Koran and Hadith. Then go ask Imam Google. The hadith and Koran verse I used came from web searching: "wife beating Koran". Finding this kind of information used to be hard, but now it is simple.

Why do we want to bring in anybody who buys into wife beating, the inferiority of Kafirs, assassinations?

So, deal with the fruit of Islam, not Islam. Ask the apologist to agree with this evil fruit of the doctrine, for instance, the wife beating. Notice the method: Talk about the source doctrine and its fruit.

Is it fair to ask if a Muslim follows the doctrine? If not, will they condemn it?

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