"Litlle Girl Amazed By Garage Door"

7 years ago

"Toddlers love to play in their parents' cars. Just take a look at this little girl being amazed by the closing of a garage door. She is so entertained inside the vehicle and then her father decides to reach for the remote and pull the door down. The small girl looks so fascinated by the view. HIlarious, right? Kids often play with furniture such as chairs and imagine that they drive a car. They also like toy cars and play with them as well. They love to explore real cars too. Kids are surprised by all the stuff those car buttons can do. In this funny video, the witty parents decided to pull an easy joke with their child. The mom is anxiously filming her daughter's reaction, while the dad plays open/close with the electronic garage door. Did you see what happened? The cute baby girl named Claire is startled from what she sees and we can't blame her."

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