A Form of Godliness Won't Deliver from Sin | 20 Truths that Help in the Battle with Porn Addiction

1 year ago

For many Christians, living out their faith doesn’t go far beyond going to church on Sunday, not swearing, and not drinking alcohol. But is this all that defines a Christian? Is this what Jesus was talking about when he posed the question, “when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”

The Apostle Paul’s visit to Ephesus brought about a revival among its citizens characterized by wholehearted devotion to Christ. But what started as a pure and genuine following after the Lord became a faith in formalism, having the appearance of godliness but denying its power. Throughout the history of the Christian church, this downgrade of adoration is a common outcome for many revivals that lose that passionate pursuit of Jesus that marked their inception. Following suit, the American church has become a well-polished machine and its members have become more devoted to Christianity’s doctrines than to Christ Himself.

For the Christian addicted to porn, history cannot repeat itself. There IS power to overcome sexual addiction, but there’s more to it than consistent church attendance. If you’re desperate to be free of your sin, follow Steve Gallagher as he exposes the powerlessness of dead religious activity and encourages believers not to settle for an empty Christian existence.

Buy the 20 Truths 40-Day Study Journal - https://store.purelifeministries.org/product/20-truths-that-helped-me-in-my-battle-with-porn-addiction/

Watch the full series "20 Truths that Helped Me in My Battle with Porn Addiction" - https://rumble.com/playlists/XUj3RnpjQJw

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