Building a Roadmap to Accomplish your Goals

1 year ago


Today we will look at a simple process to come up with realistic goals that you can work toward in your spiritual life. Actually, the process works for the rest of your life too!

Welcome to Run With Horses! My name is Norman and my goal is to help you thrive as a follower of Jesus. There are lots of moving parts to the journey but our foundation is built on Jesus, the solid Rock. Keep your eyes on the prize and keep making steps forward on your spiritual journey.

Last Week we looked at Roadblocks and some Resources that you can count on. Whatever the obstacle that you fae in your spiritual life, God already has plan to use it for your good and His glory. Be patient and continue to pursue Him through till the end. Take the daily small steps to follow Jesus where you are and trust Him to do the work in and through you that He wants to accomplish.

1. What do I want to accomplish?
God’s purpose for you. Employer’s purpose for you. Your own goals.
In each arena of live you may have a different level of control over determining your purpose. Work vs. Home. But God’s purpose for you trumps all others. Luke 14-25-33 – You cannot be Jesus Disciple without committing to Him First. It is a matter of priorities.

2. What’s my starting point? Where am I now?
Do I need extra skills, training, information?
Honest personal evaluation is often difficult for us. Getting a second opinion here is helpful. DiSC profile, etc.

3. What are potential Roadblocks? What Resources do I have to address them?
This is a good time to consult with others about how they see the path ahead. Not just your potential. Take some time to learn about the journey. What have others experiences been like? Talk to people who are doing what you want to do.

4. What are the key steps along the way I can use as markers of progress? How can I be accountable to keep moving? Who can I invite into my process?

5. Build a roadmap. Starting with where you are, include the key steps and needed skills, training along the way. What is a reasonable timeframe?
This is where you take all the information you have gathered about yourself and current situation and build a plan to gain the skills and experiences you will need to accomplish your goals. It is a timeline of key steps moving you closer to the goal.

6. Have someone you trust go over your plan with you. Do they have suggestions to improve it?
Someone who has done it before. A mature Christian you respect.

7. Do it!
At some point you have to start, ready or not. As long as the first steps are clear you can continue working on the pathway while you are moving forward.

8. Take a break and evaluate. Recalibrate and rework the plan as necessary. Learn from mistakes. Keep moving forward.
Assume that you will need to make changes along the way. That is not a problem, it is part of the process of refining the vision. God directs us as we are following Him. You often learn things along the way that change your understanding, you grow spiritually and are ready for a greater challenge than you imagined. That is all part of the journey. Enjoy the journey!

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