1887 Orange German Puffs

6 months ago

1887 Orange German Puffs
Temperance Cook Book
1 pint milk
5 tbs flour
1 tbs butter, melted
6 eggs
4 egg whites
1 coffee cup pulverized sugar
Juice of 2 oranges
One pint of sweet milk, five tablespoonfuls of flour, one tablespoonful of melted butter, six eggs, leaving out the whites of three. Bake in buttered cups half filled, twenty minutes in a hot oven. For Sauce: Beat the whites of four eggs toa stiff froth, add one coffee cup of pulverized sugar, and the juice of two oranges; turn the puffs from the cups on a platter and cover with the sauce just before sending to the table.
Did we eat them? Yes
Would I make them again? Yes
Notes: The puffs were not real sweet. Might add some sugar to sweeten. I used whipped cream instead of a meringue.

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