1909 Dinner Menu: Date Buns, Chicken with Green Peppers, Shaker Pie..

1 year ago

1909 Lunch Menu
Good Housekeeping Family Cookbook

Date Buns
Cauliflower and Beet Salad
Escalloped Chicken with Green Peppers and Tomatoes
Shaker Pie

Date Buns
Bread dough
Soft butter
Chopped dates
Roll light bread dough out quite thin, spread it with soft butter, and then with chopped dates. Roll the bread up and cut with a sharp knife into pieces half an inch thick, lay them in a buttered pan, let them rise until double in bulk, and bake in a hot oven.
Did we eat it? Yes.
Would I make it again? Yes

Cauliflower and Beet Salad
1 head cauliflower
1 tbs lemon juice
2 tbs cold boiled beets
1 tbs parsley
1 tsp minced sorrel
French dressing (oil and vinegar)
Carrots and beets for garnish
Boil a head of cauliflower in a piece of fine cheesecloth, until tender. Remove from the fire and break into flowerets, sprinkling with a tablespoon of lemon juice. When cold, arrange neatly in a dish, adding two tablespoons of cold boiled beets cut into dice, a tablespoon of chopped parsley and a teaspoon of finely minced wild sorrel. Mix them lightly with a French dressing, and garnish the base of the salad with a border of boiled carrots and beets, cut into fancy shapes.
Did we eat it? Most of it.
Would I make it again? No

Escalloped Ohichen with Green Peppers and Tomatoes
1 lb chicken
2 green peppers
1 large ripe tomatoe
2 boiled potatoes
Bread crumbs
Bone the legs of the chicken and cut into neat blocks. Prepare butter sauce and mix with fowl. Take two green peppers, cut in strips, one large ripe tomato and two boiled potatoes, cut them the same as the chicken; mix all together in the sauce and simmer thirty minutes. Pour the mixture in a baking dish, cover with fine bread crumbs, butter the top and bake a nice brown. Serve with baked new potatoes.
Did we eat it? Yes.
Would I make it again? Yes

Shaker Mince Pie
3 quarts sour apples
1 quart beef
A little butter
1 pound raisins
1 cup grape jelly or 2 cups grape juice
2 lbs sugar
1 tbs salt
2 tbs cinnamon
1 tbs each ground clove, ginger, and allspice
2 tbs grated nutmeg
A little boiled cider or juice and grated rind of lemon
To three quarts of sour apples, pared, cored and chopped, allow one quart of beef, boiled tender and chopped fine; if very lean put in a little butter. Add a pound of seeded and a pound of seedless raisins, one cup of grape jelly, or two of grape juice, two pounds of sugar, a tablespoon of salt, and cook all together until the apple is soft. When cool add two tablespoons of cinnamon, one each of ground clove, ginger and allspice, and two grated untmegs; the spices should be mixed together carefully before being added to the rest. If the mincemeat is not tart enough, flavor with a little boiled cider or the juice and grated rind of a lemon. More sugar or salt may be added if desired.

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