The Chippy Tour: Reviewing Traditional Fish & Chip Shops

1 year ago

I am a published author and accomplished home chef with several bestselling recipe books.

I have been on this planet for over sixty years and can't count the number of fish and chips servings I've enjoyed.

My mission now is to help preserve the traditional fish and chip shops and raise awareness about their decline.

According to the National Federation of Fish Friers, around a third of the UK's approximately 10,500 chippies might permanently shut down in the coming years, with some other agencies predicting as many as half will be shut down.

The primary reasons are not a declining interest in fish and chips but the soaring costs of fuel, ingredients, fish, insurance, and various governmental charges and regulations.

I plan to travel across the country, visiting different fish and chip shops, sampling their fare, and providing my reviews. Help spread the word by sharing this channel, liking the videos, and subscribing.

Also, unlike other reviewers, The Chippy Tour will arrive incognito or send someone else to place the order. My vehicle will be unmarked, and I won't film inside the establishments unless I can take some sneaky video with my phone when nobody is looking or suspecting.

I'm determined to ensure that the staff at the chippies won't suspect a review is underway. This way, they won't alter their service by providing me with top-quality ingredients, larger portions, or exceptional service that might not be standard for other customers.

I've seen many reviewers compromise their anonymity by filming on-site or asking to film on-site and displaying logos on their attire, vehicles or gear. That approach isn't for me, I don't want the chippies suspecting a thing!

Cheers, Steve.


Best Fish and Chips - Facebook Group:

The Fish and Chips Club - Facebook Group:

National Federation of Fish Fryers

The Fish and Chip Awards:

Good Chippy Award:

UK Fisheries:

The Chippy Tour Blog: Besides Fish, What Gets Battered and What is the Maillard Reaction?:

The Chippy Tour Blog: Deep Fried Chocolate:

The Chippy Tour Blog: Which Potatoes Do Chippies Use:

The Chippy Tour Blog: Fun Chippy Names:

The Chippy Tour Blog: Fun Fish and Chips Facts:

The Chippy Tour Blog: The Healthier Side of Fish and Chips

The Chippy Tour Blog: Gravy, Curry, Salt and Vinegar or Sauce on Fish and Chips?:

The Chippy Tour Blog: Frying in Vegetable Oil or Fat:

The Chippy Tour Blog: What is a Traditional Chippy?:

The Chippy Tour: Steak and Kidney Pudding:

The Chippy Tour: Distinguishing Between Cod and Haddock:

The Chippy Tour: A History of Mushy Peas:

The Chippy Tour: Exploring the History of Fish and Chips:


#FishandChips #ChippyTour #BestsellingAuthor #CulinaryExpert #ChippiesDecline #TraditionalChippies #TakeawayReviews #chippyreviews #fishandchipsshopreviews #BatteredCod #batteredhaddock #Haddock #cod #Plaice #ChipButty #MushyPeas #GravySides #CurrySauce #SaveloySausage #PickleGarnish #SaltandVinegar #CrispyBatter #FishFryer #FoodJourney #foodreviews #UKTakeaways #FishShopTour #CulinaryReviews #Food #FastFood #BritishChippy #UKChippy #TavelReviews #FoodCritic #Chippy #Chippies #FoodVlogging #TasteTest #BatteredBurger #BatteredFish #BatteredSausage #BatteredMarsBar #BatteredFerreroRocher #BatteredChocolate #DeepFried #BestFishandChipShop #BestChippy #BestChippies #BestFriedFood #WorstTakeaway #BestTakeaway #WorstFishandChipShops #WorstChippies

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