Capital Police allow U.S. Senators to be Mobbed! - Feb. 6, 2024

1 year ago

(Thursday, February 8, 2024 | Washington D.C.) Early this morning in front of the Supreme Court steps, Senators #TommyTuberville (R-AL) and #RogerMarshall (R-KS) were put at risk by the #CapitalPolice by allowing radical anti-Trump protesters to stand behind them and prevent them from taking questions from reporters.

C-SPAN (who has access to all the Capitol's security video) seems to be colluding with the Capital Police as if this was planned. Act Blue must have protesters in every major Blue city on speed-dial for their DAY OF ACTION assignments.

Imagine #Trump supporters in red MAGA caps standing behind Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and former Speaker of the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi at the steps of the Supreme Court and holding sign and disrupting THEIR news briefing. Sometimes, just like they do in NYC, the AntiFa and BLM anarchists use whistles to interrupt these pro-Trump press briefings too. This is Marxism, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Stalinism, authoritarianism, and total bull$hit.

De-fund the Capital Police, because they act more like a Federal Police Force for the Marxist-Democrat Party. Republican Speaker Mike Johnson needs to vet the entire force, because some had colluded in the #J6 riot.

The full (what was supposed to be) news conference.

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