Urotherapy | Dr. Raman Gokal

11 months ago

Urine therapy has enormous benefits and been used for 5000+ years. Unfortunately it’s been ‘hidden’ for ever so long but now being recognized as a valuable tool for self-healing.

Dr. Raman discusses:

Urine consists of 95% of water, 2.5% of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals, salts, hormones and enzymes and urea. In small amounts urea gets back into the body, it is purifying, and clears up excess mucus. Urine is entirely sterile after secretion and has an antiseptic effect. One of the liver’s most important functions is detoxification of the blood. The liver removes poisonous substances from the blood and either stores them or secretes them into the gall bladder. In the latter case, the poisonous substances end up as bile in the intestinal canal. They then leave the body in the form of defecation. After the blood is detoxified by the liver, it flows to the kidneys. The kidney’s most important function consists of balancing out all elements in the blood. They remove all superfluous vital substances from the blood, and filter out a surplus of water. This water and the vital substances consequently form urine.

In order to save energy and bring the blood into balance, the kidneys remove unused enzymes from the blood. The same goes for hormones, minerals and other substances. It is clear that urine is full of vital elements, which can hardly be called waste products. Human urine has strengthening and curative characteristics concerning many deficiencies. The kidneys are super-filters. So, it’s basically blood plasma (blood filtered), very high density, highly vibrational energy, distilled water. This is what Einstein and Tesla said as these are the most important things when it comes to healing, because we know now that all the toxins that cause disease actually lower your vibrational frequencies.

Urine is our own perfect medicine and has been linked to treat successfully many conditions. The healing powers of urine extend to many situations. Urine also has stem cells and there are ways to store urine to enhance the number of stem cells, which are known to heal. Urine also has >3500 compounds, that are also vibrationally ‘healing’. There are reports of its efficacious use in covid situations and DNA damage – urine does have the true DNA ‘blue print’ to restore and heal. It can be taken orally, externally applied/massaged to skin, gargled, eye drops, in baths and so forth.

If it’s so efficacious, one may ask as to the reason this knowledge has been withheld from public and downplayed in medical circles. It’s been touted as a waste product and made a ‘social taboo’ to drink it. Such ‘propaganda/misinformation’ only has one aim – to promote the medico-pharma industrial complex to enhance their agenda of pharmaceutical drugs (for profits), without necessarily healing the patient, which the body is well endowed to do so, if left alone!


Dr. Raman Gokal does not have any social media channels, but he does have a number of talks on YouTube which you can find more by searching his name.


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