Three Duties of a Kingdom Entrepreneur

1 year ago

Generosity, forgiveness, and spiritual giving are the key principles in the Bible.

In Episode 156 of The King's Council Podcast, hosts Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards delve into the profound biblical principles of radical generosity, forgiveness, and the importance of supporting those who nourish us spiritually. Drawing inspiration from the story of the widow who gave her last two coins, they discuss how true generosity transcends the amount given, highlighting the significance of the heart behind our giving. They explore Jesus's teachings on forgiveness, emphasizing its role as a continuous practice vital for experiencing God's forgiveness. Furthermore, referencing Paul's words in Galatians, the hosts underscore the biblical command to share with those who provide us with spiritual guidance. This episode not only sheds light on these pivotal biblical teachings but also challenges listeners to embody these principles in practical ways, fostering a life that mirrors the love and grace received from God.

These principles of generosity, forgiveness, and spiritual giving are not just abstract concepts, but they are practical ways for us to live out our faith.

Key Takeaways
• Practicing Giving, Praying, and Fasting with Jesus

• The Importance of Giving to Spiritual Nourishers

• Sacrificial Giving: The Widow's Radical Generosity

• Navigating the Path to Divine Forgiveness

• Prioritizing God's kingdom over worldly concerns

• The Power of Seeking God for Peace

• The Significance of Fasting in Christianity

"And the three things that Jesus mentions here in the sermon on the mount, chapter six of Matthew, the expectations he mentions when you give, when you pray, when you fast. So it's like, he's like, as a Christian, you should know this. If you're a true follower of me, if I am lord over your life, then I shouldn't have to command you to do this. It's an expectation, right?" - Christian Edwards

"And then it really just goes on. It's like, hey, don't be babbling like the pagans, where they're big words, many words. And I love this. It says, do not be like them. For the father knows what you need before you ask him. He already knows what we need, but we're still instructed to ask." -Rylee Meek

"But Jesus is addressing here the danger, and it is a real danger that you could cultivate an image of righteousness by your giving. But your motive is wrong, right? That's pretty much the motive is kind of the key word in all this, where Jesus is really examining what our motive is in all that we do, when we give, when we pray, when we fast, but especially when we give." - Christian Edwards

It's almost like I think of anything that we do, our pride and our ego just wells up and we want to tell others about it. I did this, and it makes us look good. And it's almost like, dude, I don't want to tell anybody about anything that we're giving because I want to be rewarded from God, not from man." -Rylee Meek

"If you think about it with children, I mean, Ellie's getting to that age where Ellie is absolutely the exception to the rule. So, you may never deal with typical teenage stuff with Ellie. Oh, please, God. But if she knows. Comes home from school one day and is frustrated and angry or whatever, a lot of times you could get to the root of it, the source of it. It's like what she's showing on the outside or the exterior is because of some sort of hurt. There was some sort of conflict, something that's just weighing on her mind that she's having a hard time processing because she's young, that sort of thing. A lot of times, just having those conversations in the natural and getting those things out, you could come to resolution. They could be remedied. So, imagine getting all that out to God in prayer. If we could have some sort of remedy as a natural father. Imagine God in heaven." - Christian Edwards

"And the things of this world slowly start to just fade away. Because the only thing that really truly matters is your relationship. You're being in alignment. And when I think of righteousness, I just always think of being in right alignment. Like when we're seeking righteousness, it's being in right alignment with our creator." -Rylee Meek

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