YYV2C6 Yada Yahowah Observations Covenant Listen to Me Choose to Engage…

1 year ago

A Shabat Study of Yahowah's Torah. Join a group of Yah's family as we delve into the Towrah of God. We will expose religious corruption while more importantly espousing Yah's Torah truth. Hosted by the author of Yada Yahowah, An Introduction to God, Observations, Coming Home, Questioning Paul, Prophet of Doom, and Tea with Terrorists.


0:00:06 Returning to the sixth chapter of Bare’syth / Genesis, and to Yahowah’s assessment of the human condition prior to the flood...
0:07:17 Now that we have surveyed the surface of this swamp and are safely positioned within the Ark, let’s journey deeper into God’s Word.
0:10:06 According to God, Barnum and Bailey were wrong. It is possible to fool most of the people most of the time.
0:12:39 Ky, translated as “as a result,” is important in this context because it reveals that the deplorable situation Yahowah observed was a consequence of the ongoing legacy of the Naphylym...
0:15:56 “Machashabah – the cognitive ability to devise contrived schemes” is possible only in the presence of a functioning neshamah.
0:20:43 If you have ever loved and lost, you know the feeling.
0:24:14 There is a reason behind every decision Yahowah makes to intervene.
0:27:26 Yah is remarkably accommodating of those who accept what He is offering and reject what He opposes.
0:32:10 One of the most egregious crimes ever perpetrated involves changing the names Yahowah chose for Himself and others.
0:36:11 While it is hilarious that the Islamic terrorist group has chosen to call themselves “HAMAS – ruthless terrorists and violent oppressors...”
0:39:03 Hamas describes the cause and consequence of “hamets – the intoxicating and corrupting influences of the fungus of yeast...”
0:43:32 However, by translating basar in accordance with its verbal root, “to preach, publish, and announce news which is perceived as good,” the statement correctly addresses the source of the corruption....
0:48:25 Hineh ‘any, when spoken in God’s voice and proclaimed in the midst of a life-or-death situation, represents the ultimate form of “behold...”
0:53:04 As it relates to a cubit, it is interesting to note that since the measurement is from the elbow to the tip of the fingers of an outstretched hand...
0:54:49 To the best of my knowledge, there isn’t a single Bible translation that properly conveys the intent of the following instruction.
0:57:49 The three doors represent the three options afforded every soul.
1:02:09 Spirits cannot be killed. They do not die.
1:03:33 It not only describes the impetus of the regional flood, which occurred as a result of the comet or asteroid impact in the Indian Ocean (the Burckle Crater is dated between 2500 and 3000 BCE) and resulting mega-tsunami...
1:06:56 The declarations made by Yahowah throughout the first two chapters of Yasha’yah / Isaiah reveal that the reason His provisions to sustain life were now being withheld was the pervasive and corrupting influence of religion.
1:16:40 Since there is so much more to learn by scratching beneath the surface, especially in the context of language being used to confuse the people so that they build monuments to wannabe gods, let’s take our time and consider every implication.
1:19:30 Cognizant that Sumer, as part of Babylon, is being associated with religious and political man, man run amok apart from God, it is interesting to note that the Sumerians used a six/sixty-based counting system.
1:27:40 In that my literal amplified translation goes well beyond those found in books bearing the label of this place, Babel / Bible, let’s see if there is any justification for them.
1:31:13 With the intent of the babblers known, and their object of worship identified, Yahowah reveals that the people came to embody the negative aspects of the materials they used to promote their demented religion.
1:34:49 Since God does what He wants us to do, we would be wise to examine the world’s religions so as to understand how they go about corrupting the masses.
1:38:33 And let’s be clear, because God has just affirmed: Religion is a human concoction, a wicked and collective plot with evil intent proposed and promoted by men.
1:41:49 Yahowah’s intervention occurred nearly five thousand years ago in Sumer / Babylon, man’s first city-state.
1:44:35 No longer listening to clerics and kings, aware that their message was muddled with a mix of truth and lies, the people acted upon the first condition of the Covenant. They walked away from their country and religion
1:47:05 Balal leads to babel in the sense that jumbling disarray leads to confusion.
1:48:55 But as bad as Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, and Judaism are, Socialist Secular Humanism is worse.

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