Israel-Gaza: The Legalities of an Occupier

1 year ago

People need to understand that Zionism came about 100 years or so ago, it is a babylonian, racist, satanic, pedophilic blood cult. The Khazarians once occupied Khazaria, now mostly what is now Ukraine. The Bolsheviks were Zionist Khazars who created famine to depopulate Russia, the Bolsheviks established concentration camps called Kulags. Who else enjoyed building concentration camps? Nazis. The Khazarians fled to western europe and rebadged themselves as Ashkenazis, the clue is in the title. This is why senior Nazis had "jewish" ancestry, it's why Klaus Schwab's father was a senior nazi. George Soros in his teens helped the Nazis, he too is a khazarian jew. The Khazars have no bloodline to the Holy Land, they are invaders and they do so by infiltration and identity theft, they are the FALSE Jews who have pushed their Talmud through Rabbinic Judaism onto the gullible hebrew jews in Israel, creating an insanely racist state of Israel. The zionists of Israel us the real jews as pawns, Palestinian hebrew Jews who once lived happily side by side with Palestinian Arabs and Palestinian Christians....until 1948. So the zionists of Israel built a concentration camp called Gaza, approx 25 mile x 5 miles. So big most people cannot see it. And the zionist ashkenazis in the USA??? Well they built FEMA Camps. Why doesn't the media tell you any of this? Well the media is owned by the zionists, same with the fiat financial system, big pharma, big tech, pornhub, and so on.

Can you see the patterns yet?

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