Empowering new nurses, mental health, and the fight for safe staffing in America

1 year ago

The insights of experienced nurses are invaluable in empowering new nurses, addressing mental health challenges, and advocating for safe staffing in the healthcare industry. With over 50 years of experience, Nurse Jodi and Nurse Kimberly are joined by guest co-host, Nurse Nicole, these seasoned professionals have witnessed the many obstacles and triumphs within the nursing profession and answer your burning questions.

In Hawaii, like in many parts of America, nurses are fighting for safe staffing ratios to ensure patient care is not compromised due to understaffing. The voices of these seasoned nurses can shed light on the importance of adequate staffing levels and how it directly impacts patient outcomes.

Furthermore, their wisdom and advice can greatly contribute to addressing mental health issues among nurses. The high-stress nature of their profession often leaves them vulnerable to burnout and other mental health struggles. Therefore, tapping into the experiences of these experienced nurses can be instrumental in offering strategies for self-care, stress management, and overall well-being.

It is crucial to acknowledge that the knowledge shared by these veteran nurses is rooted in real-life experiences rather than simply theoretical concepts. Their insights offer practical advice that goes beyond textbooks and academic studies. As the nursing profession evolves, incorporating their perspectives becomes essential in shaping effective strategies for supporting new nurses and promoting a healthier work environment.

About Nurse Nicole:

In 2020, Nurse Nicole fearlessly discovered her voice and found the strength to speak out against the growing number of mandates being implemented. With close to two decades of experience in the acute care setting, Nicole is no stranger to working through various pandemics and has exempted vaccines in the past until 2020 when she received pushback from the establishment. Refusing to compromise her beliefs, she stood firmly in her convictions, becoming one of the 2,000 employees facing termination for refusing to comply with COVID-19 vaccination policies. With unwavering courage and determination, Nurse Nicole became an advocate for personal choice and individual rights in the face of unprecedented challenges. Her story serves as an inspiration to others who may find themselves navigating difficult decisions amidst evolving healthcare policies.




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