#INE y #TEPJF no están trabajando bien, no investigan extorsiones de Sheinbaum en Notimex

10 months ago

#INE y #TEPJF no están trabajando bien, se niegan a investigar extorsiones de Claudia Sheinbaum a trabajadores de #Notimex entérate en 1 minuto.

The INE and the Electoral Court are not working well, they refuse to investigate without reason, the extortions of Claudia Sheinbaum to the Notimex workers, they reject the complaint presented by the PRD, after the accusations of the director of Notimex, Sanjuana Martinez that Sheinbaum demanded 20% of the workers' settlements for his illegal presidential campaign that he has been carrying out for 5 years without permission from the INE.

Previously, the INE with a militant president of Morena, Guadalupe Taddei, determined that Sheinbaum has not committed early campaign acts, when we have all seen the spending of millions of pesos on billboards, advertisements, newspapers, brochures, television spots, promoting Sheinbaum, Even the president himself, illegally and using public resources, has promoted Sheinbaum, before legally starting the campaigns. It is injustice and corruption.

This is not the first time that Morena would carry out this type of theft, in Texcoco, Edomex, it was fully demonstrated when Delfina Gómez stole the workers' payrolls.

Also, that President López Obrador received money stolen from Chiapas, by Manuel Velasco Coello of the PVEM, when he was a candidate, the money was given by David León to his brothers Pío and Jesús Martín López Obrador.

Now you know that the INE and the TEPJF are working against democracy.

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