Plants vs Zombies 2 - Thymed Event - Lunar Zoo Year - February 2024

1 year ago

Lunar Zoo Year was offered between February 7, 2024 through February 17, 2024.

2,500 coins, 2 pinatas, 25 Bun Chi seeds and 50 Dragon Bruit seeds are awarded for completing this event.

These 15 levels are based around the soon-to-be-released Dragon Bruit plant. This shadow plant combines Three-peater's ability to attack three (3) lanes at once with the lobbing effect of Cabbage-pult. When Dragon Bruit is powered by Moonflower or other Shadow/Conceal-Mint effect, poison will be added to affected zombies.

Rather than do all 15 levels using the same strategy, we showcase a different one for each level - all of which can be done with just the core plants. So you can choose the strategy which best suits your play-style and available plants.

• Selected means plant occupies a seed slot.
• Given means the plant is on the lawn.
• Chosen means what we selected.

00:00 Level 1 - Bowling Bulb selected. (Has intro dialogue.)
01:13 Level 2 - Dragon Bruit given and selected. (Has intro dialogue.)
02:36 Level 3 - Moonflower given. Dragon Bruit selected.

04:21 Level 4 - Dragon Bruit given and selected. Trample line between 4 & 5.
07:13 Level 5 - Dragon Bruit selected. Bun Chi given and need protecting on column 5. (Has outro.)
10:01 Level 6 - Player choice. Bonk Choy chosen.

11:31 Level 7 - MayBee selected.
13:05 Level 8 - Bun Chi given and selected. (Has intro dialogue.)
14:52 Level 9 - Tiger Grass selected. Red Stinger chosen.

16:12 Level 10 - Bun Chi and Tiger Grass selected. Dragon Bruit given. (Has Outro.)
17:18 Level 11 - Cold Snapdragon selected. Primal Walnut chosen
19:10 Level 12 - Wasabi Whip selected.

20:18 Level 13 - Meteor Flower selected. Zoybean Pod given.
21:50 Level 14 - Pokra selected and given.
23:20 Level 15 - Dragon Bruit, Moonflower and Murkadamia Nut selected and given. (Has Outro.)

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