A Biblical Perspective of Music 2024

11 months ago

I have recently 'found' my old sermons on music and so I have made it my goal to update and make available either presentations format or even in some written studies, based on today's the awful music being 'performed' in the local churches, all claiming to be worshipping God.

This particular presentation is my 'introduction' to the concept of a biblical perspective concerning music. I make a few statements and comments along with a few questions, all of which can be answered ONLY from a King James Bible.

This particular presentation contains the comments, statements and questions only. I will be following up asap with the answers, and of course, with more of my personal comments.

For those of you who don't know me, I have been involved in music since the 1960's and have taught music to all grade levels for 48 years, only recently retired.

I also became interested back in the 1980's about the Biblical perspective of music and it blossomed with my turning to Paul and my King James Bible. Music is the second most important subject in the Bible, so I figured that if I am a saved/quickened teacher, I ought to find and study every verse and context of those 500 verses in my King James Bible.

Along the way, I learned how Satan has taken over music in the churches and is using music today to gear people towards worshipping him during the coming time of great tribulation, a time when Satan will consider himself 'like the most High.'

I have two 'music' study headings in my website at www.paulson1611rd.org if you want to print out the presentations or download the audio.

People used to get very upset when I would talk to them about their modern translation compared to the KJB. Today, people don't seem to care anymore about 'which Bible' but I gotta tell ya, to talk about music can be be quite the discussion - IF - they are even willing to talk about it at all.

People just seem to know what like when it comes to Bible versions AND music and they seem to think 'they' know what God likes without consulting the Scriptures because their pastor has convinced them they are anointed and have the unction of God.

I tell ya, the time has come... ."...when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." II Timothy 4:3,4 (KJB)

And one final comment here, for those who have read this far... the Jesus Revolution and the global worship trend that is taking the world by storm is nothing but Satan getting 'his' people who are captive in his web (even if they say they are Christians) to worship him when he comes down to the earth (I Pt 5:8) and using all kinds of music (Daniel 3:5,7,10,15) to worship Satan, the anti-Christ, as he will be thinking and acting like the most High. (Is 14:14). The Scriptures (KJB) are clear about that but the modern bibles support all this new music going on in the churches.

Final thought: People in America have turned against the Constitution through politics and are willing to accept anything that feels good to them. In the same manner, 'Christians' have turned their backs on the King James Bible as the 'constitution' of Christianity and just want to believe what they want to believe, thinking God has shown 'them' the truth. That is why I hold pastors for the last 100+ years to be as guilty as the politicians over the past 100+ years - both have destroyed America. It shows in the music both in America and in the local churches.

Bottom line: I have seen first-hand now that Americans can no longer be taught the truth about America and so-called 'Christians' (who obviously don't see the difference between 'another Jesus' and the real risen Christ) can not be taught anything from the Scriptures - the KJB. After all, how can 300+ bibles all be the word of God; they are all different - and don't we all know that things that are different are not the same? Well, it seems more and more people (Romans 1:18+...) are developing reprobate minds! (they don't even know their own gender and can't define 'woman.')

Anyway - if you are interested in learning about the voice of music, stay tuned!

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