was it really a mistake if it eventually can be used to help people

1 year ago

many brilliant thoughts come to me in the dish pit
non-discriminatory corruption...enslavement via habit
most don't even know what an idiosyncratic behavior is
alone time. freedom. mobility.
no better example of slavery than technology
i love having a car but it really is such a pain in the ass
i know crazy uncle ted already brought this up in the nineties
you either have to have a car or know sumin that has one
i know these points ain't new but in light of my recent car accident i started to think about our entire system again
anybody that knows me knows why i don't have a smartphone
that phone weighs a lot more than they anticipated
i made my decision back in 2007
you won't throw out yer standards if you have a strong conviction
i ain't a regular ass virgin but i won't let technology taint me
...but it turns yer brain into swiss cheese!
technology puts a wall between you n everyone
not to sound like a marxist or anything
imagine karl marx living right now
actually if karl knew that his shit philosophy helped to shaped this society we live in now, he woulda just gotten drunk like always
people seem to make a lotta subconscious decisions
now they have to deal w/ all these complications that they didn't realize they signed up for
my whole lifestyle is intentionally alienating
there's never a case you can make for society
they'll bend over backwards to avoid having to change themselves for the better
so much potential in hardship
w/ adversity comes growth n knowledge
i learned way more from my mistakes than anything else, success is the product of many mistakes after all

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