Horrific Aftermath of Jabbed Patients, Carnage at Clinic / Begging Doctors to Speak Out

1 year ago

LINK TO PURCHASE MASTERPEACE & SUPPORT Christopher James: https://bit.ly/awcmasterpeace

Dr. David Cartland is a GP working in both the NHS and in private practice. He works in NHS Urgent Care as well as for The GP Clinic London.

Dr. David Cartland MBChB BMedSci also has a First-Class Honours degree in Biomedical science that included a year of specialist immunology and microbiology/virology training including statistical analysis.

Between his two degrees Dr. Cartland worked for a year in the angiogenesis research group at the University of Birmingham and he is a published author in angiogenesis research; he is a General Practitioner with some fourteen years’ experience.

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Christopher James' website www.awarriorcalls.com

www.bit.ly/awclivefeed: Link for live streams - Thurs 8pm EST
www.bit.ly/awcevidence: VERIFIED GLOBAL EVIDENCE COVID19 SARS-CoV-2 is and has ALWAYS BEEN a LIE

https://bit.ly/awccolloidalsilver: Christopher's vault of colloidal silver resources

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www.awarriorcalls.com the world must go for truth and the solution!
email: awarriorcalls@outlook.com

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