Homemade Remote Controlled Lamborghini Lawn Mower

7 years ago

A video has emerged featuring a homemade remote controlled Lamborghini lawn mower working its magic across a green field. Check out this DIY "Lawn-borghini mower" that resembles a Lamborghini car with installed gas powered mower that works great!

A lawn mower is a machine that uses one or more revolving blades to cut a grass surface to an even height. In this case it is an upgraded version of a lawn mower installed into a remote controlled Lamborghini car.

It’s easy to make jokes about being lazy when talking about a robotic or remote-controlled lawn mower until you experience the heat on a hot summer day. Then, sitting on an air conditioned porch while driving your customized lawn mower around the yard seems like a great idea!

This creative guy, freak for fast cars, decided to tele-operate his yard duties by building this really rather simple remote controlled lawn mower. It is basically the motor and cutting head mechanism from a cheap push mower with a new welded frame around it, to give it a Lamborghini look! How genius!

In case you dig this, you can make the same lawn mower with a speed rotation regulating unit and a power bank following this guy’s example. You need to find a motor and a power supply unit first, and weld a Lamborghini frame from a remote controlled car. Voila! You have a personal lawn-borghini mower that is fun and functional at the same time!

Have in mind that the height of the cut grass can be fixed by the design of the mower, but generally is adjustable by the operator, typically by a single master lever, or by a lever or nut and bolt on each of the machine’s wheels. The blades may be powered by muscle, with wheels mechanically connected to the cutting blades so that when the mower is pushed forward, the blades spin, or the machine may have a battery-powered or plug-in electric motor. Knowing all this, you can work your magic and create your own DIY customized lawn mower!

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