Peggy Peterson & Shelagh McFarlane - Exposing the UN takeover Feb 7/24

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"I reserve my right not to be compelled to perform under any contract or commercial agreement that I did not enter knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally. I do not accept the liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement."

Phase II:
The Who, What, When, Where, How and The “What Now??” of it all….

How can we help men and women comprehend the gravity of our present "Unlawful" situation?

First, we must acknowledge that a problem exists. Second, educate those who are unaware. Our voices together raise the consciousness. I am calling upon good men and women who are brave, and willing to take a stand, to take action.

It is our responsibility, the duty of ALL, to expose and confront corruption for all to see. There are those whose actions have become equal to the definition of terrorist whereby "An act is carried out to achieve an inhuman and corrupt objective, and involving a threat to security of any kind, and violation of Unalienable Rights acknowledged by man, woman and mankind.

"(1) These threats are currently serving a foreign entity whose intentions are to rule, control and establish restrictions intended to enslave us. Our ACTIONS will prove to be STRONGER. (1) "JUST Response - Ayatollah Taskhiri - Definition of terrorism". Archived from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved November 27, 2015.)

So long as international society did not effectively guarantee the Unalienable Rights of men and women against arbitrariness and oppression by de- facto governments, it could not oblige states to treat subversive activities … as a crime.

Throughout the ages, the “Who, what, when, where, how?” is a formula many investigators use to unpack a mystery. So, why not use it now?

Who are “We”? Who are “YOU"?

We are men and woman of the Creator of All, who have dominion over our own lives and who are asserting inherent authority over our unalienable domains: the domain of the land we stand on and the domain of the governance we choose to stand with.

Who are “they”?

“Foreign economic agents” who have been Unlawfully installed in our de- jure government offices to create unlawful laws and regulations that overstep rightful boundaries. “They” were sent to a land mass know as Canada to steal our beautiful resources – both natural and human:

The United Nations/ World Economic Forum /World Health Organization, the World Bank, BlackRock/Vanguard, venture capitalists, investors, stakeholders, the DAVOS Group, The Bilderberg’s, The Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations and many other “Secret Societies”.

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“It’s a Big Club, and we ain’t in it”. All of these groups have 4 things in common:

1. they want total control over every aspect of a human’s life,
2. they do not like “humans”, and
3. they want to depopulate the Earth
4. a lot less of "Us" to manage and enslave

In 2017, Klaus Schwab (WEF) admitted penetrating our local de-jure governments using “public/private partnerships” with local officials (eg. Global Mayor Initiatives). The WEF pays Mayors to bring us into the United Nations global de-facto governing system, to create 15 Minute concentration camps "CITIES", and to designate all our land as United Nations green space.

This is the ONLY issue we NEED TO BE TALKING ABOUT.


To Control Your Life, Control What You Pay Attention To

What they want YOU to exactly hear:
The ability for United Nations to instantly alter the thoughts and behavior of billions of men and women is unprecedented.

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves. Vladimir Lenin

The Hegelian Dialectic – What it is and what it isn't!

In the "Problem, Reaction, Solution" framework, the process typically starts with the identification or creation of a problem.

The Hegelian Dialectic- Problem, Reaction, Solution

The first step (thesis) is to create a problem. The second step (antithesis) is to generate opposition to the problem (fear, panic and hysteria). The third step (synthesis) is to offer the solution to the problem created by step one: A change which would have been impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychological conditioning achieved in stages one and two.

(PsyOps): Influencing Minds for Strategic Impact

Psychological Operations, often abbreviated as PsyOps, constitute a strategic communication technique employed to influence the perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors of targeted audiences. Operating at the intersection of psychology, communication, and military strategy, PsyOps aims to shape public opinion, alter enemy decision-making processes, and achieve strategic objectives.

PsyOps, and its underlying principles, and provides real-world examples to illustrate its significance in modern warfare and diplomacy.

Principles of PsyOps:
Tailored Messaging: PsyOps strategies involve crafting messages that resonate with the target audience’s cultural, psychological, and emotional sensibilities. This personalization increases the likelihood of successful persuasion. eg, Freedom, End the lock down, No New Normal, this is what democracy looks like, hugs over masks - No child left behind, million man march for children, Idle No More - HONK YOUR HORN FOR FREEDOM

These controlled messages ensure No solution is discussed and they control the speakers at all these events.

When men or women offer solutions they ARE SILENCED

Source Credibility: The credibility of the source delivering the message is crucial. Create a hero make him/her Trustworthy sources enhance the effectiveness of the message, making the target audience more receptive to the content. state and non-state actors

Consistency and Repetition: Reiterating key messages consistently over time reinforces their impact on the target audience, gradually shifting their perceptions and attitudes. eg, Freedom, End the lock down, No New Normal, End the lock Down, this is what democracy looks like, hugs over masks - No child left behind, million man march for children

Emotional Appeal: PsyOps campaigns often utilize emotional triggers to evoke specific feelings, which can influence decision-making and actions. Emotions can range from fear and empathy to hope and patriotism.


"We have a public that is very ignorant about public affairs and susceptible to simplistic slogans by controlled operatives who appear out of nowhere.''

eg. 'Sworn Enemies Tour', "Just say NO", "Liberate CANADA", "FREEEDOM"

What is collaboration?
Collaboration is when a group of people combines their time, ideas and resources to work together and ensure an intended outcome.

The Bilderberg Group (Club of Rome) has a plan, ALL committed to their common Goal of ONE WORLD ORDER -

Who are We, We Are men and woman with a Plan, a GOAL , committed to END the FRAUD!

We will explain the Plan and look forward to YOU to become involved in helping us ALL end the FRAUD!

So we will explaine some Information you may not be aware of?

These unlawful Public/ Private/ Partnerships that threaten every one of Us here today and our Future generations!

The FACTS are: PPPs are a fiction and illegal way of taking over lawful, local regulatory control:

-they create de facto laws – masquerading as legitimate de jure and lawful officials are granted international status in order to sign huge infrastructure agreements fiat currency/crypto currency, Usury and fraud are used to create soaring taxes and high inflation levels, and bloated bureaucracy and huge administration costs are used to bankrupt our coffers -massive Poverty - steal your Property and land grab!


Globally, the UN has been overt with their intentions, but 2001 was a temporal marker. 1998 was the starting point, where the Municipal Corporations Act was removed and replaced with a private corporate charter. The roots of the UN field offices began to take hold of the villages, towns and cities in Canada, using legal tricks and “weasel words” like amalgamation and regionalization.


Globally, the United Nations has been overt with their intentions since it's creation 24 October 1945, but gradually had begun to infiltrate (into) local government. 1998 was the starting point, where the Municipal Corporations Act was removed and replaced with a private corporate charter. The roots of the EVIL United Nations field offices began to take hold of the villages, towns and cities in de-facto Canada, using fictional illegal tricks and “weasel words” like amalgamation and regionalization.


There were several UN instructional documents sent to towns but the controlling instrument used now is the Municipal Act, introduced in 1998. Using this de facto code, elected representatives became “international agents”, and our ability to govern our own affairs was usurped by foreign, corporate interests - controlled by the UN/WEF and hundreds of non-government organizations (NGOs).

In addition to this, the public has been grossly and intentionally misinformed regarding the UN strategies like the “Climate Action Plans” and "Re-wilding". These plans are privately-funded narratives used to open the door to global takeover.


The UN global governing system is nothing short of a combination of fascism, socialism, communism, corporatocracy, and totalitarianism. They want a New World Order – One World Government for every country.

We are under attack – using the mayors pen as the ammunition of choice. A conflict of wholistic totality has been declared upon every man and woman. Each of us has a duty to peacefully and lawfully END this foreign occupation, implemented at the local level.

All of the above brings us to the collective actions we are now taking today.

We gave a deputation to the Mayor and Councillors of our Town (municipal corporation) and the Regional District/County of (municipal corporation). Both entities (and the women and men holding office) were properly served and an answer was required from these officials have failed to properly respond.

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The 7 questions to our elected Officials:

1. If you, as our elected officials, are not the body in power & control, then who is?

2. Who's your boss?

3. Who's pushing the sustainable development and climate action plans within our organizations?

4. Do you feel at all manipulated that these externally-submitted “Strategic Plans” are being slid past you?

5. Were you properly informed or your newly elected duties and fiduciary responsibilities to the constituents?

6. Why do you think this was done to you?

7. If these ideologies that are being forced upon us turn out to be unlawful

(ultravires), who will take the fall?

Defrauding the public is a felony . Due to the urgency of evidential FRAUD, we are now taking the following directive measures. JOIN US IN A PEACEFUL, LAWFUL ACTION TO RESTORE LAWFUL MAYORS.

1(a) As indicated by the names and autographs below, the men and women living in __________________________________________ , under the protection and umbrella

of of men and woman with Unalienable Rights “inherent", do STATE THAT this Notice is:

to assert our collective voice and will,
to address the URGENT lack of local fiduciary control and recent evidence of fraud on the public, and
to affirm our duty to protect the land and bodies of which we were granted Dominion over.

We further State that: Your failure to properly respond on November 30, 2023 necessitates this

Notice of Dishonour:

You FAILED to produce your Oath of Office which indicates you are in de facto possession of the public (trustee/guardian) office/seal/trust;

You were elected for the public (trustee/guardian) office and to perform those duties as required: it appears you FAILED to invoke;

You FAILED to properly respond by November 30, 2023 which indicates breach of ‘fiduciary trust, failure/fraud’ and we therefore revoke any and all consent for you to act or sign on any one’s behalf other than your own; or to access any registered public account created by/for the declarant;

All service contracts (municipal or otherwise) you have authorized (past/present/future) detrimental to our trust, health, benefit and/or future ARE DEEMED NULL AND VOID, ULTRA VIRES.

We are not obligated to participate in fraud nor forced to comply with de facto orders issued of your own accord; (i.e., there is no “public” ink in your pen).

All unlawful municipal taxes/charges against the declarant below will be forwarded to THE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR/TRUSTEE for clarification and discharge.

The declarant requires written notice prior to any charges laid.

1 (b) We offer two options:

You may be granted “lawful redemption” from past error and poor judgments if you remove yourself from all de facto covenants and restore Peace, Order and Good Government (POGG) under affirmation, or

The declarants will seek remedy from all harm caused by negligence, nuisance, public hazard and breach of trust.


"I reserve my right not to be compelled to perform under any contract or commercial agreement that I did not enter knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally. I do not accept the liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement."

We, the women and men under the Divine protection and umbrella of the Creator of All, state that:

We have dominion over all aspects of our life, as supported by this Notification and evidenced by our autographs below, in the geographical area commonly known as _______________________________________________ and the Kootenay Lake area.

These autographs will be certified, notarized, held in trust and are to remain confidential, for the time being. These autographs will remain as private information pending further clarification from you, in writing, of the aforementioned issues set out in 1 (a) and 1 (b) (Declarants - see reverse) and brought forward by the declarant's requiring remedy from you.




Postal Code





1(a) As indicated by the names and autographs below, the men and women living in __________________________________________ , under the protection and umbrella

of the Divine Creator, do STATE THAT this Notice is:

to assert our collective voice and will,
to address the URGENT lack of local fiduciary control and recent evidence of fraud on the public, and
to affirm our duty to protect the land and bodies of which we were granted Dominion over.

1 (b) We offer two options:

You may be granted “lawful redemption” from past error and poor judgments if you remove yourself from all de facto covenants and restore Peace, Order and Good Government (POGG) under affirmation, or

The declarants will seek remedy from all harm caused by negligence, nuisance, public hazard and breach of trust.

"I reserve my right not to be compelled to perform under any contract or commercial agreement that I did not enter knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally. I do not accept the liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement."


These autographs will be certified, notarized, held in trust and are to remain confidential, pending further clarification from our elected officials, in writing, of issues set out on their verse of this page. Upon receipt of clarification from elected officials, remedy may be sought and signatures may be released at that time. Declarants - Please PRINT legibly and in lower case.

Declarant's First Name

Declarant's Last Name

Address with Postal Code



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