Joe Rogan: "I Know a Lot of People With Pretty Severe Vaccine Injuries"

1 year ago

Joe Rogan: "I Know a Lot of People With Pretty Severe Vaccine Injuries"

"I have two friends that have pacemakers now," Rogan disclosed to Aaron Rodgers.

And just before Rogan intended to get injected with the COVID-19 shot (he never actually received it), two people he knew suffered from strokes.

Moreover, according to a recent Rasmussen poll, 53% of American Adults believe it is likely that COVID-19 vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths.

Full Episode:

Protect you and your family from the deadly spike protein:

Don't get caught unprepared for the 'next pandemic':

Stock up on mRNA-free beef from a freedom-loving former marine:

Protect your wealth from Bidenflation and economic uncertainty:

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