Hijra, Islamic Migration

1 year ago

As it does with everything in life, Islam has its own views about migration. For us, migration is for an individual's gain, a better job, for instance. But for Islam, migration was the beginning of Mohammed's success. He preached the religion for 13 years and converted 150 Arabs to Islam. After he migrated to Medina, he became and politician and jihadist, which led to every Arab in Arabia becoming a Muslim.

After Mohammed's death, Islam exploded out of Arabia in its second migration. When Islam settles into a society, the society becomes all Islamic (with a couple of exceptions: Spain and the Balkans). Islam does not assimilate but dominates.

This is because of its Sharia law.

The purpose of migration is to start jihad and the purpose of jihad is to install the Sharia. Under the Sharia, the other religions are subjected to taxes, domination, and humiliation. After enough time, everyone will become a Muslim.

Today in the West, we see the beginning of the annihilation of our civilization due to the deference we pay to Islamic migration and Sharia and we refuse to see the true nature and goals of Islam's complete domination of all aspects of our society.

*Correction: at around minute 11:00, I misspeak. I say "jihad" and I meant to say "Jew hatred" in Mein Kampf. The graph is correct.

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