Aaron Rodgers and Joe Rogan Discuss the Drug That Shall Not Be Named

1 year ago

Ivermectin is often recognized – 2nd to penicillin – for having the greatest impact on human health. Its discovery even won the Nobel Prize.

But the propagandists told you it was a “dangerous horse dewormer.”

Now, why would they do such a thing?

Because ivermectin’s existence threatened a multi-hundred billion dollar vaccine enterprise. The COVID shots forced upon the world would not be able to exist if ivermectin was shown to be effective.

The Emergency Use Authorization states:

“For the FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.”

So, they had to smear and discredit ivermectin, such as altering Joe Rogan's face to appear yellow, following his recovery announcement from early treatment.

Watch and listen to this conversation with Joe Rogan and Aaron Rodgers.

Full Episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/69ZsvPAH8EBBDeIfrSDL8v?si=d170376bc2c44fe7

Protect you and your family from the deadly spike protein: https://bit.ly/Spike-Support

Don't get caught unprepared for the 'next pandemic': https://bit.ly/TWC-Emergency-Kit

Stock up on mRNA-free beef from a freedom-loving former marine: https://vigilantbeef.com

Protect your wealth from Bidenflation and economic uncertainty: https://genesisvf.com/

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