A Comparison of Violence in the Bible & the Koran

1 year ago

A recent study (see below) makes the claim that the Bible is as violent as the Koran. Hence there is no need to worry about with Islam. It is just like Christianity and Judaism.

My only interest is in political violence, not when Cain killed Able. Political violence is when a group attacks those outside of it. It is political when Muslims kill Kafirs in jihad, for instance. This eliminates counting personal violence and internal wars.

We want to measure ideas, so we count more than individual sentences. We need to count all the content that applies to the political violence.

There is no political violence in the New Testament, There are 34,000 words about political violence in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and 328,000 in the Koran, Sira (life of Mohammed), and the Hadith (his traditions). In short, there is nearly 10 times as much political violence in Islamic doctrine than there is in the Bible.


The violence in the Old Testament is historical in nature, not prescriptive. The violence in Islam is prescriptive and applicable to all people and times. Jihad is forever.

This data makes sense. It will be jihadists committing murder in the morning news, not Methodists or Mennonites.


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