MIGOP Bylaws and Election Laws_Pick a Side

11 months ago

I spoke to JD Glaser, and many others to discuss what is a Quorum. I was WRONG on an important point!! Quorum is always 54 of the 107 state committee members unless specified differently in the MIGOP bylaws. Here is my corrected video.


Here is where JD and I still do not agree. Quorum can include proxies to conduct most MIGOP business. However, in the case of removing a chair or changing bylaws NO PROXIES are allowed to meet Quorum when voting. JD believes proxies are still allowed to meet quorum when voting.

Here is my corrected presentation - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JoNST3428zh78H9m6alAVtWqynw7UJUUDCpMwyknYQc/present

However, the others are clearly wrong as well. They believe proxies ARE allowed to reach quorum to remove a chair. In other words if you have quorum at 54 where 50 are proxies and 4 are committee members then 3 of 4 voters can remove a chair. This is what they believe.... Shocking!! Important note: JD and others, you can NOT answer the following question: Where in the MIGOP Bylaws does a QUORUM "requires a LARGER number of committee members as specially set forth in these bylaws" !!

The question is will they humbly admit they are wrong to stop the division in the MIGOP?
Hoaxstra, Vance, Andrew Sebolt, & JD Glaser you might want to read in the MIGOP Bylaws on what is a "Quorum".

I also agree with JD on the following statement.

We are either a party that follows it's own bylaws, or we lose all moral authority with regards to our party, as well as election integrity to the outside world that is watching.
JD Glaser, 5th District Chair

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