🚨The Racist Rothschild Family🚨 What a LACK OF RESPECT for other humans🚨EVIL FAMILY🚨

1 year ago

This video is self-explanatory

These are Rothschilds

Instead of giving these people food,
They are throwing it on the floor like they are livestock
If it is NOT evident by this...
The Rothschilds look at everybody as peasants and livestock

#Rothschild #Racist #Inhumane #Evil #Disrespectful #Decrepit #Deplorable #Selfish #Greedy #Entitled #Luciferians #Devilworshipers #Murderers #Rapists #Thieves #Plunderers #Seductive #Putrid #Desecration #of #Evilpiecesofshit #Liars #Lizardpeople #Inbreds #Aliens #Interterrestrials #Demons #Devils #Snakes #Spirits #Destruction #Depletion #Overindulgence #Controlling #Governments #AroundTheWorld #donotcomply #Resist #Ignore #Destroy #Disengage #Repeal #Thecontrol #of #Tyrants #Tyrannous #Tyrannical #Dictators #Lying #Lies #Stealing #Taxpayer #Funds #System #is #a #sham #organizedcriminals #Organizedcrime #Mafia #Cult #Invasion #Takeover #Fight #democide #genocide #Murder #Unlawful #Killing #Civilians #Women #Children #GodsCreations #GodsChildren #trendingnews #christiangospel #conspiracies #republicianpolitics #democraticpolitics #democracy #dictatorship #ConstitutionalRepublic #Constitution #BillOfRights #SHALLNOTBEINFRINGED #PERIOD #SORRYNOTSORRY #FIGHTTILTHEDEATH #OATHTOAMERICA #OURCOUNTRY #OURLAND #WEHAVETHEPOWER #TOGETHER #LETSRUNTHEMALLOUT


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