Jack Dunphy: The Lover of Truman Capote

1 year ago

Jack Dunphy (1914-1992) was Truman Capote's partner for 35 years. Living together in Manhattan, Sicily and then apart in Long Island, New York, Dunphy was the solitary shy foil to Capote. Once a ballet dancer, Dunphy published critically acclaimed novels such as John Fury and First Wine. Outshone by Capote in the literary world, Dunphy published a remembrance of Capote in 1987. Dunphy's first wife Joan McCracken (1917-1961) remained in their orbit for years. Dunphy and Capote's ashes were scattered together in New York in 1992.


Nick Scott, The Rake, Manhattan Love Story: Truman Capote and Jack Dunphy, https://therake.com/stories/truman-capote-jack-dunphy

Howard Markel, PBS NewsHour, Truman Capote's Unhappy Ending, https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/truman-capotes-unhappy-ending

Andrew and Suzanne Edwards, The Literary Ghosts of Taormina, Times of Sicily, https://www.timesofsicily.com/literary-ghosts-taormina/

Charlotte Ahlin, Bustle.com, 11 Famous Authors and Their Drink of Choice, https://www.bustle.com/p/11-famous-authors-their-alcoholic-drink-of-choice-41854

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