The Unchanged, Unchanging, and Unchangeable | Daily Inspiration

1 year ago

February 26 - The Unchanged, Unchanging, and Unchangeable
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God’s love for us is unchanged, unchanging and unchangeable. To know this is to know ourselves, the everlasting truth within. We have been programmed to believe that if we don’t do exactly what x or y person, book, tradition or society says we should do, then somehow we lose or become unworthy of the love of God. Yet, the love of God is not tied to, restricted by, or limited to our following any of man’s laws. God’s love is timeless. It has always been and will always be. God’s love is not affected by the silly little games that people play within the illusionary concept of time. Today, let us try loving as God does, in an eternal way. Being all One, simply offer everyone the love that you yourself would desire to experience. Allow love to continuously flow through you and throughout your day.

This inspiring video can be enjoyed all year long. It is also available as a Daily Inspiration Message on February 26, (condensed version) with James Blanchard Cisneros.
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