Slowly Dissolving Anger from Your Life

1 year ago

February 25 - Slowly Dissolving Anger from Your Life
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God is Love and All. As God’s creations, we express love in two main ways. We either offer love, or we call out for love. When we are offering love, we are in alignment with the energies of forgiveness, compassion, peace and joy. When we are judgmental of self or others, angry, fearful or resentful, we are calling out for love. The call for love is, in essence, a call for help and healing. The way we remain aligned with our true nature is to answer someone’s offer of love with love, and answer someone’s call for love with love. When we do this, clarity and understanding results. When we do not do this, confusion and chaos results. It is in the states of confusion and chaos where anger arises and can begin to rule over us. But know that as representatives of Love, anger is not, nor could ever be, the truth in us.

Today, let us use the times when anger tries to haunt us to instead focus on our own healing. Let us feel how unlike anger is to the eternal loving truth within. Anger is not us, love is. Anger is a false concept and program that we have been taught to believe is real. Anger is simply a reflection of an unhealed or unawakened part of our mind. God is love and all. Thus, anger is simply a call for love, a call from our soul for help and healing. The universe is loving and kind, and hears and answers our calls. Those who seem to “make us” angry are those who the universe has sent to reflect our internal conflict and condition. It is because of their presence in our lives that we now have the opportunity to heal. Remember this, and instead of judgment and anger, offer them forgiveness and gratitude.
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