Repeating “Negative” Patterns

10 months ago

February 24 - Repeating “Negative” Patterns
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When we repeat what we perceive to be a “negative” or “painful” pattern, it is mainly because we have not yet fully recognized the gift or lesson that it is trying to offer us. If we have yet to realize the gift in any situation, then let us stop and ask ourselves: “What is the gift or lesson for me in this pattern?” As an expression of God’s love, the universe is eternally generous and kind. It will offer us innumerable opportunities to end the self-destructive patterns that we keep repeating. It is in this self-realization where the gift of peace resides. Peace of mind, being an expression of love, is a sign that we have placed our trust in God, Perfect Love. When we fully trust God’s and our divine self’s plan for us, nothing that is happening out there in the world, or to us, can take away our peace.

Today, when you catch yourself repeating a pattern that you do not want, consider trying these five things: First, trust that because God is love and all, every moment of your experience is being used with your good in mind. Second, recall that to let go of this negative pattern, you must do so through Love’s tools, such as forgiveness and compassion, not the ego’s judgment or resentment. Third, remember that forgiveness is an expression of love. Offer it to yourself and to all others involved in the pattern. Fourth, anytime the ego urges you to judge or be resentful, instead choose to forgive, to free yourself from a pattern you no longer want. Fifth, offer gratitude as an expression of love. Thank all those who volunteered to be part of a process that helped you awaken.
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