Is Man a Cancer on the Earth?

1 year ago

Judgment Day! Radio Discussion

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Tom: Thanks, Gary. You’re listening to Search the Scriptures Daily, a program in which we encourage everyone who desires to know God’s truth to look to God’s Word for all that is essential for salvation and living one’s life in a way that is pleasing to Him. If you’re a new listener to our program, let me tell you what to expect. We open with a half-hour or so segment, which is our feature topic, followed by two brief segments, the first usually responding to a religious news item that the secular press has reported; and that’s followed by a question and answer segment, the questions generated by our listeners. We conclude with an on-going verse-by-verse Bible study, and presently we’re in the Book of Acts. So, Dave, did I leave anything out that they should know?

Dave: Well, it sounded good to me, Tom, except we can’t guarantee that we always stick precisely to the schedule, but we do our best.

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