CIA NAZI MOSSAD 'factory 333' [try handling tucker carlson putin interview]

1 year ago

"OMG Exposes DC Swamp Part 1: Coercion, Blackmail; U.S. Border Updates"

[update] with comment before others actor alex jones infowars aka CIA NAZI MOSSAD was try control situation to get people attention for sell trash how lightworkers patriots handlers operate how freemasons artificial intels still mislead lightworkers patriots still people moneys goes into wrong hands, MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS ON FULL TOTAL PANIC MODE THEY TRY STILL GIVE BAD NAME TO TRUMP PUTIN TUCKER how total farse artifical drama soap opera extreme reaction REAL WAKE UP CALL LIKE YOU NEWER BEEN SEEN BEFORE

[warning] bill hicks alex jones infowars aka CIA MOSSAD try still be become handler to tucker carlson for control make business with putin interviews, other news on info wars is controlled propaganda lies also all old news already before when told

"EU Freakout: 'BAN Tucker Carlson Over Putin Interview!'"

[note] is been told tucker carlson have protection for go interview putin, so many groups want interview happen or similar forced situation when already full disclosure is more direct other way when not predisclosure level cooperation, full disclosure is force world peace, also predisclosure have green light as now last change for turn into light

[also] paid programmed automatic negativities aka negative groups on mainstream media are still try give 'bad name' for tucker carlson for try control putin interview to continue use people as human shield when people collective not been wake up

[remember] all negative groups are now on higher dimensions galactics 'timeline' not on people collective 'timeline' how negative groups fails on try block out people collective wake up, people collective wake up on moment full disclosure also all negative groups cult members who not been turn into light then collected out physically non physically what take only hours, options change for continue population manipulation is not exist on new situation, thats suicide, on negative ways only option is turn into light other options not exist, on positive way have more options still exist, only on real neutral understanding have all options as unique soul independently light

[extra] do know leaders are not original beings how actors or clones or look a likes or duplicates or 'unknown hidden' family members, people not need leader whats only front faces puppets controlled groups, people needs already more direct help how leaders not matter also putin is been overdriven

[full] truth is next big wake up call for know have personal evacuation when not stay longer on unperfect situation

HYBRID = part lower dimension beings aka alien DNA = not good thing,
WALK IN BEING = advance soul replace original soul on manipulated hybrid physical = good thing,
CLONES = copy from hybrid aka physical trash = used on alien space programs also on corporation governments,
trump Q = soul was replaced moment before was walk into whitehouse for make sure positive effect with Q helps even they was choose to not have full effect when was change

[world] leaders are not original how all is actors acting how illusion layers lies been keep people longer on earth surface, escape to safe zone or survive for full disclosure other ways you not let know full truth, you was not eat your popcorns when all was movie, now all is much more real not movie, movie was end christmas 2023, now you figure all gone already, all was actors acting artificial drama soap opera only you was think all thats real when you still follow politics space programs or all written lies how you still sell mysterys secrets information how you show tell to others you still not ready for move forward when others already move forward

[was] happen population mass murder but also you was easily victim when was not watch movie eat popcorn, you not been know you are alien hybrid without memory without soul full blueprint how why is been told 'do meditation' for receive when you are physical mental handicap on DNA level aka victim level also poisoned for to not survive physical, full disclosure is now already absolute minimal not total maximal need for real help, more serious than your think imagine talks

[topics] beyond lightworker patritionism

"ALL plans fails [only plan for full evacuation stay]"

"STAY on safe hours or days [ON MOMENT FULL DISCLOSURE]"

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